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Drum corps season is fast approaching, and performers are gearing up for the intense physical demands of the summer. Many performers believe that running is the best way to train for marching band, but the truth is, running forward doesn't necessarily translate well to the backward marching patterns that are so essential in drum corps. In fact, running backwards may actually be a more functional and effective way to train for marching band, and here are three reasons why.

Firstly, running backwards engages front-side muscles, building strength, speed, and power in the backward stride. Backward running engages the quadriceps and hip flexors to a greater degree than forward running. This means that practicing backward running can help you develop the muscle strength and power you need to march backwards or perform a backwards slide with ease.

Secondly, running backwards builds endurance in a less familiar locomotion pattern, meaning you'll feel less winded after each rep. Backward running requires more energy and effort than forwards, making it an ideal way to build endurance and stamina for the rigorous demands of drum corps.

Finally, running backwards trains your body to take larger steps in reverse, allowing you to cover more ground with less effort and avoid getting called out for undershooting your dot.

It's worth noting that running forward is still a healthy activity and shouldn't be completely abandoned. However, incorporating backward running into your training regimen can help you improve your athleticism and better prepare for the unique physical demands of drum corps. So, as drum corps season approaches, don't shy away from running backwards - it may just be the secret weapon you need to excel on the field!

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As marching fitness coaches, we understand how frustrating it can be for marching athletes to experience shin splints. Shin splints cause dull, tight, or sharp pain in front of or on the inside of the shin bone, usually during or after exercise. They can be caused by overuse, bad shoes, muscle imbalances, and poor biomechanics, among other things. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to prevent and treat shin splints so that you don't end up on the sideline!

One of the most common reasons for shin splints is overuse. This happens when a muscle works harder than normal and doesn't get adequate rest. Many marching athletes fall into this trap by showing up to band camp or spring training without proper athletic preparation. To avoid this, it is important to gradually increase your physical activity level over time and start training at least 8-12 weeks before the season begins.
*Above, is an example of someone who waits until the season starts to begin training. This is the perfect recipe for developing shin splints*

Poor footwear can also contribute to shin splints. Worn-out shoes with poor shock absorption and arch support can cause your body to take more shock, leading to shin splints. It is important to wear shoes with good arch support and shock-absorption to reduce the amount of shock your body has to take.

Muscle imbalance in the lower leg is another preventable cause of shin splints. When the muscle in front of the shin is weak while the muscle in the back, the calf, is tight, the lower leg has to work much harder to achieve the common roll-step technique used while marching forward. To prevent this from happening, we recommend performing tibialis raises and gastroc stretches to strengthen the tibialis anterior and address tightness in the calves.

Poor biomechanics in the leg, such as overpronation of the feet or flat feet, can also put excessive stress on the shin bone. An arch supporting orthotic can help hold your foot and ankle in a more neutral position. While this won't FIX shin splints, it can minimize your risk of developing them while training.

If you already have shin splints, resting the affected area is one of the most effective methods. Rest is work, and it is the most optimal time for the body to repair itself. This time shouldn't be spent doing absolutely nothing. Find activities you enjoy that can keep you active while allowing your shins to rest. Upper body training, core training, biking, and the elliptical are great examples. The amount of rest time needed varies from person to person. Consult with a medical professional to determine the appropriate amount of time for you.

Foam rolling can reduce tightness, decrease pain, and promote blood flow in the affected area, which can accelerate tissue healing. A drumstick can be also used to gently roll out the muscles around the shin.

In conclusion, shin splints can be a frustrating experience for marching athletes. It is important to take preventative measures such as gradually increasing physical activity, wearing appropriate footwear, addressing muscle imbalances, and improving biomechanics. If you do experience shin splints, rest and foam rolling are effective treatments for many. If you are experiencing severe pain, consult with a medical professional to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

By taking care of your body, you can avoid sitting out on the sidelines and march strong with confidence!
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Shoulder injuries can be devastating to color guard performers. Shoulder dislocation, impingement, and labral tears are just a few examples of common injuries. The good news is that many of these injuries are caused by a weak rotator cuff, which can be fixed by strengthening it.

So, what is the rotator cuff and how does it help keep the shoulder joint stable? The rotator cuff is a collection of tendons and muscles that connect the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). These muscles and tendons are essential for stabilizing the shoulder joint and allowing you to move your arm in different directions.

The great thing about rotator cuff exercises is that they can be done with weights or resistance bands, making them accessible for people of all fitness levels. Here's how to do the exercises using resistance bands:

1. External Rotation: Anchor a resistance band to a door handle or sturdy post at hip height. Hold the other end of the band in your hand and keep your elbow at your side. Rotate your arm out to the side and then back to the starting position. Repeat for 12-15 reps on each arm.

2. Internal Rotation: This exercise is similar to the external rotation, but instead of rotating your arm out to the side, you rotate it towards your body. Repeat for 12-15 reps on each arm.

3. Reverse Fly: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the ends of a resistance band in each hand. Bend forward at the waist and lift your arms out to the side. Make sure to keep your arms straight and your shoulders relaxed. Repeat for 8-12 reps.

4. Arm Raises: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the ends of a resistance band in each hand. Raise your arms straight out to the side, then lower them back down to the starting position. Repeat for 8-12 reps.

It's important to choose a resistance band with enough resistance to challenge your muscles but not so much that you can't perform the exercises correctly. Start with a lighter band and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger. Always fight for strict form and focus on slow, controlled movements to get the most benefit from these exercises.

Incorporating these exercises into your regular fitness routine can help improve rotator cuff strength and stability. This will not only help prevent shoulder injuries, but it will also contribute to better color guard performance. When your rotator cuff is strong, you will have more control over your arm movements and will be able to perform better.

Whether you're a seasoned color guard performer or just getting started, incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine can help keep your shoulders healthy and your performance up. Remember that a little time and effort can go a long way toward preventing shoulder injuries and improving color guard performance!

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